
Bands Panel

The Bands Panel tracks DXCluster activity by HF Ham band. New DX spots close to the same frequency as older DX spots replace the older spots to prevent clutter. The individual band slider controls can be used to tune the radio by band.

The Band Plan popup will select one of the band plan files stored in the Band_Plans folder within your MacLoggerDX folder.

If you put a copy of your Band_Plans folder in your log folder and modify or add to the files - MacLoggerDX will look there first.

Red triangles indicate the spot is less than 10 minutes old, Orange triangles indicate the spot is less than an hour old, and gray triangles indicate the spot is more than an hour old.

Clicking on the triangle or the callsign next to it does a lookup and changes radio frequency and mode.

Update Internet Files under the File menu will download the latest copy of the band plan files to your Band_Plan folder.